To make it look good, make the cuts between the holes on the solid part unless you want scalloped edges. So any rough edge will be on the back of the pegboard.
Cutting Pegboard. The main furring strips will rest along the top and bottom horizontal edges of the pegboard. This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread.
So any rough edge will be on the back of the pegboard.
I used this method to cut out pegboard and used it to hide water heater in my basement. Hold the pegboard up to the wall to make sure it fits and make any needed adjustments to the pegboard’s overall size. Then screw the board onto the furring strips. Once you reach the marker, pull the whole thing off of its place and trim off as close to it as possible.
Determine the height where you'd like the top edge of your pegboard to rest and use a stud finder to mark each stud along the full distance. The size of your pegs will be determined by the dowels you purchase. For larger pegboards, you'll need additional plywood sheets. So any rough edge will be on the back of the pegboard.
To create these, cut two 1x2 furring strips to the length of the pegboard.
If you'd like a smaller pegboard, simply cut the plywood down to size or have the hardware store cut it for you. For larger pegboards, you'll need additional plywood sheets. To create these, cut two 1x2 furring strips to the length of the pegboard. I've cut a bunch of peg board with my table saw.
So any rough edge will be on the back of the pegboard.
#9 · feb 25, 2012. Jun 9, 2014 at 20:53. To make it look good, make the cuts between the holes on the solid part unless you want scalloped edges. I've cut a bunch of peg board with my table saw.
The size of your pegs will be determined by the dowels you purchase.
You can also move up and down on this step if you need to. The size of your pegs will be determined by the dowels you purchase. Put a guide layer on top of the pegboard and place your utility knife against it. Then screw the board onto the furring strips.
I've cut a bunch of peg board with my table saw. You’ll want to rotate the whole thing in until you’re all the way down to where your marker is. The main furring strips will rest along the top and bottom horizontal edges of the pegboard. Put a guide layer on top of the pegboard and place your utility knife against it.